Over the past few years, I’ve been considering what sort of kinky furniture I want to have in my house/dungeon/fungeon/play space when the time comes. I have my (now fairly ancient) spanking bench, but I’d like to have some other items to use when my Pet becomes the housePet.
She and I have had fledgling discussions about what we both might want to have, because when it comes time to set up a joint living space, we might have to compromise on where and how much, because of real estate realities. Several years ago, I had mentioned possibly wanting to purchase a large tract of land (think old or retired farm) and setting ourselves up ‘in the middle of nowhere’ so we didn’t have to be concerned with prying eyes, nosy neighbors, or the authorities showing up uninvited because someone happened to hear something they misinterpreted and needed to assuage their own sensibilities at our expense.
In that vein, I’ve recently purchased plans for two different styles of furniture. One from a Polish artisan, the other one from a domestic vendor. The Polish one is from a vendor that has been selling the fully assembled version for several thousand dollars, and I expect due to workmanship and materials it’s worth every penny. Within the last couple of months though, he decided (for whatever reason) that he would be willing to sell the plans for it for a considerable discount, and who can pass up something for $69? (I just checked while writing this and the price has increased to $149 USD so I’m glad I was able to get it at the discount I did)
The domestic vendor I happened upon through Instagram, and his designs are pretty sweet in their own right. You can purchase the plans through his Etsy store or his own website. At present he has plans for a bench, a St. Andrew’s Cross, and he just finished a very versatile looking stockade. My thinking right now is; get the plans now, in case he doesn’t make a living at it, and I can always use them in the future. And if something happens, I still have my old copy of The Better Built Bondage Book. Good luck finding a copy of that in a used book store.
I imagine there will be other things that catch my eye. If nothing else, I have my own imagination as well as scads of references from untold years of watching videos of Insex and Kink(dot)com. Plenty of fodder there. I’m sure this will be revisted in the future.