I was thinking the other morning when I was in the shower before work how much music has played a part in recent years in my play sessions. It didn’t always used to be that way, though. When I was first starting out in BDSM, play sessions were always quiet. No music, no outside interactions….
Happy New Year 2025
I have to say, 2024 was a bust when it came to kinky play or kinky much of anything in my world. Here’s to hoping that will be rectified this year, and our fledgling plans for the future move forward with success. As for everyone else; wishing you a Happy New Year, enjoyment of your…
All Quiet on the BDSM Front
As I’ve posted very recently, BDSM has taken a back seat to other things in my life due to distance from my pet, and the agreement that we have which dictates if both of us aren’t together, I’m not to practice with anyone else. This sounds like a switcheroo and might cause people to wonder…
A Kinky Night Before Christmas
I just happened to notice that I posted this last year as well. Tradition? Showing my age? I turned off comments, as it seemed repetitive to leave them open for something I already said in 2023. Happy Holidays, dear readers. -Leathers Note: This isn’t my writing, I remember reading this on the alt.sex.bondage Usenet newsgroup….
Back Burner
Kidney stones suck. There, I said it. I’ve been dealing with kidney stones for the past half year and it’s causing a lot of uproar in my BDSM life. Last year I was able to see my pet twice, after being separated for a couple of years due to COVID and other issues. We’d hoped…
Postpone Play?
2024 is quickly becoming a lot like 2021 turned out to be. With a few exceptions. But basically, my pet’s and my plans for meeting keep being pushed back due to circumstances. First, my wife’s and my summer vacation keeps having to be rescheduled, which causes issues with the timing of my pet’s vacation here,…
Whew, found it! Now what?
I’ve been going back and forth in my brain whether or not to write about this. Of course, since I have such a small following, I ended up deciding it won’t do much harm to. So here it is. Like many kinksters, I’ve been a fan of Insex almost since the beginning. From that inception,…
Future Furniture
Over the past few years, I’ve been considering what sort of kinky furniture I want to have in my house/dungeon/fungeon/play space when the time comes. I have my (now fairly ancient) spanking bench, but I’d like to have some other items to use when my Pet becomes the housePet. She and I have had fledgling…
Been a year
I was just reminded this morning while booting up my computer before work it’s been a year since my pet visited. In the time she was here, we were able to have a couple of good sessions, and did some sightseeing around the area, to balance out the visit so it wasn’t just all play…
Minor Change
I decided to change things up a bit and do a different theme for the blog. Nothing’s wrong, I was just getting tired of how it looked and wanted to go with something a little more blog-friendly. Kinda the way every other year I change the SSIDs for my WiFi network and drive my wife…