2024 is quickly becoming a lot like 2021 turned out to be. With a few exceptions. But basically, my pet’s and my plans for meeting keep being pushed back due to circumstances. First, my wife’s and my summer vacation keeps having to be rescheduled, which causes issues with the timing of my pet’s vacation here,…
Tag: #bdsm-long distance
Been a year
I was just reminded this morning while booting up my computer before work it’s been a year since my pet visited. In the time she was here, we were able to have a couple of good sessions, and did some sightseeing around the area, to balance out the visit so it wasn’t just all play…
Keep the Holidays Merry
We’re deep in the Christmas season, and my pet and I are still long distance. The fact of the matter is, for the forseeable future that’s going to remain the case. Even so, we try to celebrate the holidays best that we can, maintaining our connection and checking off another season til we can see…